cell of Note 7 Pro Xiaomi, available for Rs 9,999, the variant of Redmi Note 7 Pro smartphone with 4GB RAM and 64GB storage is available for Rs 9,999. This means the price of the phone has been cut by 4 thousand rupees. The 6GB RAM and 64GB storage variant of this smartphone is available for Rs 12,999 and the 6GB RAM 128GB storage variant for Rs 14,999.
Pof Note 7S by 2 thousandThe 3GB + 32GB model of the Redmi Note 7S is available for Rs 8,999 and the 4GB + 64GB model is available for Rs 9,999 during the sale. The price of this smartphone has been cut by up to 2 thousand rupees. The original price of both these variants of Note 7S is Rs 9,999 and Rs 11,999 respectively.
20 Series discount on Redmi
A discount of 4 thousand on
Poco F1 can buy 64GB variant of Xiaomi's popular Poco F1 smartphone for Rs 14,999 and 256GB variant for Rs 18,999. The price of 6GB + 64GB variant of this smartphone is Rs 17,999 and 8GB + 256GB variant is priced at Rs 22,999. During the sale, the price of Poco F1 has been cut by up to 4 thousand rupees.
Poco F1 can buy 64GB variant of Xiaomi's popular Poco F1 smartphone for Rs 14,999 and 256GB variant for Rs 18,999. The price of 6GB + 64GB variant of this smartphone is Rs 17,999 and 8GB + 256GB variant is priced at Rs 22,999. During the sale, the price of Poco F1 has been cut by up to 4 thousand rupees.